HSE’s Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992

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Workplace Safety Regulations for Lorry Operation Sites

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992

Overview: The Workplace Regulations of 1992 establish minimum standards to ensure welfare and safety for all individuals in a workplace.

Coverage: These regulations address various aspects including maintenance, ventilation, lighting, and traffic routes.

Regulation 17: Traffic Routes

Importance: Regulation 17 focuses on ensuring safe circulation of pedestrians and vehicles within workplaces.

Key Details:

  • Sufficient Separation: Pedestrian and vehicle routes should be separated wherever feasible.
  • Clear Marking: Traffic routes must be clearly marked for guidance.
  • Vehicle Clearance: Adequate clearance should be provided for vehicles on these routes.
  • Direct Routes: Routes should lead directly to their destination to minimize detours.
  • Separation for Shared Routes: If pedestrians and vehicles share a route, clear separation must be maintained.
  • Additional Safety Measures: Doorways or gates opening onto streets should have barriers or mirrors to prevent risks to pedestrians.
  • Handrails or Barriers: Ramps, stairs, or steep slopes must be equipped with handrails or barriers to prevent falls.

Adhering to these regulations is essential for creating a safe environment for both workers and vehicles.