Vehicle Banksman (VTQ) Training Videos

Provides Proper Training for the Transport Sector when working as either a driver or a banksman.

UK HSE Laws and Regulations

This module will cover the laws and regulations set out by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) that are relevant to a Banksman's role.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

It's essential for a Banksman to wear PPE. This module will explain the PPE you need and how it protects you.

Hand Signals and Communication

Effective communication, including the use of standardised hand signals, is crucial in the Banksman role. This module will cover these signals and other communication strategies.

Employer and Employee Responsibilities

Both the employer and the employee have responsibilities under the HSE law to ensure safety at work. This module will cover these responsibilities in detail.

Equipment to Enhance Safety During Reversing

Various equipment can enhance safety during reversing. This module will cover this equipment, its use, and its benefits.

Understanding the Lorry and Communications

Knowing the vehicle you're directing is as important as knowing the signals. This module will help you understand the lorry's dimensions and blind spots and how to maintain clear and constant communication with the driver.

Course Summary

Course Summary

Course Summary


Course Details

Video Playtime

39 minutes




Keith Sleightholm



Ready to get started?

Vehicle Banksman (VTQ)

39 minutes
£24.95 + VAT